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Monday, September 30, 2013

How to Lose Stomach Fat - Weight Loss Tips For Women!

Here's how to lose stomach fat quickly without devoting much time to it. These are powerful weight loss tips for women. They're simple, yet effective. Know this, this article has some unique twists. So don't think it's like all those other BORING weight loss articles... IT'S NOT!

How to Lose Stomach Fat

1. Try taking coconut oil

To be specific, you need to get the "extra virgin" kind of coconut oil. This is the pure stuff. That's key. You don't want regular coconut oil since the processing it went through pretty much kills the benefits of it's raw version.

My clients... 100's of them lose around 6 pounds in LESS THAN 13 days just taking extra virgin coconut oil 2 times a day. Take it on an empty stomach for best results. Oh yeah, I almost forgot... take 1 tablespoon each time.

2. Jumping on a mini-trampoline is great to increase your cardio "output"

Here's the deal. The mini-trampoline is best used to increase your daily MOVEMENTS. Movement is key to losing weight. Being sedentary... forget it. If you think a magic pill will cover up you being lazy and eating bad, think again!

You need to move more... besides making some dietary changes.

With a mini-trampoline, just plop it down right there in front of your tv in the living room whenever you're in your home. This way, each time you pass it, jump on it for 1 minute. All these 1 minute "sessions" add up to lots of cardio... WITHOUT SWEATING.

The great thing is you'll feel energized and rested. This doesn't tire you out at all.

For me personally, I use the mini-trampoline during tv commercials. They're about 2 minutes each time. If I watch 1 hour of tv, I can be sure that I'll get in more than 20 minutes of jumping (yeah, there's that much commercial time).

Use these 2 powerful weight loss tips for women because combined... that's how to lose stomach fat fast.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weightloss Prescription

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